Monday, May 19, 2008

animation...character design

...ive always been looking for my preronal style so i never actually practiced conventional animation style. like tom and jerry and bugs 'animation/cartoon' style has all really been 'graffiti' style, which really limits itself after a while. this weekend was an all out study of conventional animation..with my style. this week im goiong to continue studying this and tone my style down.

so like they say its back to the drawing board, but its really exciting for me because its an all new different approach to drawing, and i feel like its the first time drawing again..which is pretty neat.

1 comment:

TMALO70 said...

Nice Start Donie... Very Fluid and Chock Full of Movement... I'm so Lookin' Forward to watchin' the Development of this New Style... But Please don't lose any of the Grafitti Elements either...

Here's to More Postin',
